



If you feel that beat365官方网站大全 could be a good fit for your child, 最重要的是要知道 all children must be referred by their school district. 无论你是否为人父母, 照顾者, 养父母, 学校社工, 孩子的倡导者, 或任何其他有关方面, a child's potential referral will need to be made by the school district where they currently attend. 不过别担心,我们能帮上忙!


Use the form below to get in touch, or call (860) 646-0502. 先直接bet365官方英国365, our school administrative team can help to determine if CCGC could be a good fit for the child, 回答你可能有的任何问题, and talk you through the next steps in the process. Use the contact form just below to get in touch today, and a staff person will respond without delay so that you don't have to spend any more time wondering what comes next for you and the child in your care.


Use this contact form to get in touch with us as quickly as possible about a potential referral to beat365官方网站大全. For all other school-related inquiries or inquiries about other programs and services at CCGC, 请使用 我们的一般联系表格.

Name of Child's School and School District (Town)

What to expect from the rest of the referral process

Once we have had a preliminary conversation and answered any questions, we can make a joint decision as to whether it would be beneficial to further explore the possibility of a beat365官方网站大全 placement for your child. 如果是这样的话, here is an idea of what you can expect next (but don't worry, 我们可以一步一步地引导你。)!

What happens after initial discussion with beat365官方网站大全

  • All concerned parties (including parents/照顾者s, 学校社工, 老师, and school administrators from your child's district) may come together to hold a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting to determine if a student would have a higher chance of success in a more therapeutic environment.
  • 下一个, districts will sometimes send out referral packets to specific organizations for review with the goal of finding an appropriate setting that will meet the needs of a student. If we have already connected with you regarding a particular child, CCGC will be one of the schools that receive that referral packet. 
  • 一旦CCGC收到来自PPT的学生推荐, Education and Clinical directors will review the referral packet in its entirety and, 如果位置合适的话, 他们将为孩子安排一次会面, 他们的监护人, 和CCGC团队的其他成员.
  • 在那次约会中, the team will learn what brought them to CCGC and how they feel about school, 包括喜欢/不喜欢, 朋友, 最喜欢的科目和奋斗. The group will also discuss what a typical day at CCGC is like, 包括教室的时间表, what kind of centers and specials are featured throughout the week, 有什么关系, 提供临床服务.
  • 预约后, the clinician and CCGC Director of Education will do a final evaluation to determine if CCGC would be an appropriate and beneficial placement for the child. 基于这个决定, 联系了学区和家庭, 深入的临床检查已经安排好了.
  • 最后, there will be a change in placement PPT meeting to decide on a start date, and details such as transportation are settled as well. 
